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Saturday, 12 May 2012

WP Robot 3.58 Dev Nulled with all modules

With WP Robot you can create targeted blog posts on any topic without writing anything!
WP Robot is a powerful and easy to use autoblogging plugin for Wordpress weblogs allowing you to turn your blog on complete auto-pilot and drip-feed it with fresh content in regular intervals you specify. And the best part: The posts created will be targeted to any keyword you enter and any topic you could ever think of!
WP Robot can post content from many different sources, including Amazon, Clickbank, Youtube and eBay!
WP Robot is capable of adding Amazon product posts, eBay auctions, Yahoo Answers questions and Answers, Youtube videos, targeted articles, Flickr images, Clickbank ads and content from 12 more sources to your weblog automatically. Of course you have full control over which kind of posts will be created! There is no autoblogging software that can create autoblogs with more diverse content out there and WP Robot's capabilities are constantly expanded with new exciting content modules!
WP Robot can also rewrite or translate any post it makes automatically.
If that's still not enough to impress you, here is another nice feature: With the translation module WP Robot can translate any post it creates before adding it to your weblog by using Google translate. By translating the content several times (for example from English to German to English) WP Robot can add instant unique, English content to your weblog!
Developer Version. Installation instruction inside.
You have 22 modules of 22 available modules installed.


Academica WpZoom Wordpress Template

Academica is a non-profit / education CMS theme with a modern layout and elegant design. Modern three-column design, custom templates, easy to customize.

Demo: http://demo.wpzoom.com/?theme=academica


Autofocus Pro - Wordpress Theme

A wordpress theme for photographers

Demo: http://fthrwght.com/autofocus/prodemo/


Domestica WpZoom Wordpress Theme

Domestica is a all-in-one Real Estate Solution for WordPress. It’s a complex theme with numerous & unique features, perfect for any real estate agencies.

Demo: http://demo.wpzoom.com/?theme=domestica


960 Grid System Shortcode

Do you have a 960 grid system installed in your WP theme? By using this plugin, writing the post/page content is become very easy. No more typo-error and no need to remember one_fourth, two_third_first or first_for_the_last. You just need to know your grid number for your content such as 9 grids content with sidebar for 12 grid system.

Demo: http://codecanyon.net/item/960-grid-system-shortcode/725143


JobJockey - ColorlabsProject Wordpress Template

JobJockey is an application theme that will help you start your own job boards with practically no effort. Whether you’d like to earn more money from your WordPress-powered site or just post job openings for your business, JobJockey has all you need. It’s priced right, and the fact that it works on WordPress makes it easy to set up.

JobJockey has plenty of features allowing you to get started right out of the box. It handles the SEO. You just have to worry about selling space and offering support to customers. Seamless integration with PayPal allows you to make money on auto pilot.

Demo: http://demo.colorlabsproject.com/?theme=jobjockey



Morning - WpZoom Wordpress Theme

Morning is a bold magazine-style WordPress theme that creates a strong visual presence for your content. Packed with 3 color styles and lots of great built-in features, this theme will go well with any topic.

Demo: http://demo.wpzoom.com/?theme=morning


Trim - ElegantThemes Premium Theme

Trim is simple, professional, versatile and fast. We have had a lot of requests for a less stylistic, lightweight design, and that is exactly what we created. Trim might be simple, but with that simplicity comes a sense of balance and crispness that is quite refreshing. Coupled with a bunch of great features, Trim is a great theme that will prove useful for a variety of different websites.


The Restaurant - Themeforest Wordpress Theme

This Wordpress theme is a slick and highly customizable theme for restaurants and anything alike. Change colors with a colorpicker, simply switch the layout and add your own sliding menucard to impress your customers!


Restaurant - Joomla! 2.5 template

Restaurants, cafés, bars, pizzerias, food Joomla! 2.5 template.
Delight your customers not only with palatable food and the best quality services offered by your company but also with the unique design of your website!
Our new template is the best solution while creating bar, restaurant, coffee shop, as well as, pizzeria websites. It is also possible to build a small online store with K2 Store component help, thanks to which you may increase your sales by letting your customers order food online.
It's also worth mentioning that there are some features which may make your website more attractive, like: a new button in Social API – “Pin it” from Pinterest service, support for Lazyload script, support for simple elements animation engine, zoom animation for News Show Pro GK4 and K2 images.
If I were you, I would start creating your new website now!

Download : http://adf.ly/8QBeQ

Subway – YooTheme WordPress Theme

Get on board and check our new Subway theme! It brings you a modern boxed layout with a broad range of options for customization. You can choose from various color and transparency options. Explore many beautiful designed details like fresh typography, icons, CSS animations and animated backgrounds. Also this theme brings you some nice custom features: Two new Widgetkit styles for the Slideshow and the Gallery are included. Their design seamlessly fits into the theme. Also notice the fixed social toolbar, which appears if you hover the icon to the right of your browser window. You can use this theme with Joomla or WordPress and it is based on the Warp6 theme framework which uses modern web technologies like HTML5 markup, CSS3 features and jQuery based JavaScripts.

Download :  http://adf.ly/8QBTw

Joomlart JA Lens for Joomla 2.5

download : http://adf.ly/8QB45

Monday, 26 March 2012

WPRobot v3.56

WPRobot v3.56 - EXCLUSIVE!!!
WP Robot is a powerful and easy to use autoblogging plugin for WordPress weblogs allowing you to turn your blog on complete auto-pilot and drip-feed it with fresh content in regular intervals you specify. And the best part: The posts created will be targeted to any keyword you enter and any topic you could ever think of!

download : http://adf.ly/6fAnn

Themeforest – Me Gusta!

Themeforest - Me Gusta! User-driven Content Sharing Theme V0.10
Themeforest – Me Gusta! User-driven Content Sharing Theme V0.10
Me Gusta! is a user-driven content sharing WordPress theme suitable literally for any type of posts:
videos with automated thumbnails creation,
classic blog,
combination of all content types,
metro style web-site




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